CCCWS Delegation Led By Its President Yu Hongjun Visited The US, UK, And Singapore
From September 25 to October 6, a CCCWS delegation led by its President Yu Hongjun visited the US, UK and Singapore. In the US, the delegation met with senior experts from East-West Center at Hawaii, Rand Cooperation, Center for International Security And Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford University, Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), and the Brookings Institution, and held in-depth discussions about issues such as Sino-American security relation, US debt crisis, situation in North-Eastern Asia and so on. In the UK, the delegation held discussions with experts and scholars from the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), and Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), about debt crisis in Europe, Sino-European relations and some other issues. In Singapore, the delegation met with scholars from East Asian Institute (EAI) at National University of Singapore, and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) at Nanyang Technological University, and exchanged views on the Sino-AEAN relations, world economy and other issues. President Yu Hongjun elaborated China’s position on the US arms sales to Taiwan and the south China sea issue. The visit has achieved its aim of holding in-depth discussions and promoting cooperation.
On September 26, CCCWS delegation held discussions with experts from East-West Center at Hawaii of the US.
On September 27, CCCWS President Yu Hongjun met with Dr. James A. Thomson, President and Chief Executive officer of the
Rand Cooperation of the US.
On September 28, CCCWS delegation held discussions with experts from CISAC at Stanford University of the US.
On September 30, CCCWS President Yu Hongjun met with Dr. Kenneth Lieberthal, Senior Fellow and Director of John L.
Thornton China Center of the Brookings Institution of the US.
On September 30, CCCWS President Yu Hongjun met with Dr. Charles W. Freeman III, Freeman Chair in China Studies of
CSIS of the US.
On October 3, CCCWS delegation held discussions with experts from IPPR of the UK.
On October 3, CCCWS delegation held discussions with experts from the Chatham House of the UK.
On October 3, CCCWS delegation held discussions with experts from IISS of the UK.
On October 6, CCCWS delegation held discussions with experts from EAI at National University of Singapore.
On October 6, CCCWS delegation held discussions with experts from RSIS at Nanyang Technological University of Singapore.
On October 6, CCCWS President Yu Hongjun issued a letter of appointment for Professor Zheng Yongnian, Director of
EAI at National University of Singapore.