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Deputy Director-General Hu Hao Meets with Israeli Scholars
From: | 09-07-2012| By:

On the afternoon of September 5 in Beijing, CCCWS Deputy Director-General Hu Hao held discussions with Carice Witte, President of Sino-Israel Global Network & Academic Leadership (SIGNAL), John R. Fishel, Consultant to the Diane and Guilford Glazer Foundations. The two sides exchanged views on China-Israel relations and the Middle East situation.

Deputy Director-General Hu Hao meets with Israeli scholars.


Dr. Hu Hao spoke highly of the development of China-Israel relationship. He said that both of the Chinese nation and the Jewish nation has a long and brilliant history and civilization. The current China-Israel relationship has developed smoothly and has big room to expand. He hoped that both sides make continuous efforts to keep the good momentum of China-Israel relations. On the Middle East situation, Dr. Hu Hao emphasized that the current Middle East situation is complex and turbulent. He expressed the hope that the relevant sides could stop confrontation and conflicts as soon as possible from the people’s interests, and settle the disputes through dialogue and negotiations. China is a positive factor to promote peace and stability in the Middle East. It has done a lot and would continue to work hard for it.

SIGNAL scholars visit CCCWS.


Ms. Witte and Mr. Fishel agreed to Dr. Hu Hao’s positive evaluations about China-Israel relations. They said that they would continuously push forward China-Israel relations through several cooperation channels. At the same time they pointed out that the drastic changes in the West Asia and North Africa still does not end. Israel has been paying close attention to the development of the situation. And they expressed the hope that China could further play a key role in the Middle East affairs. On the think tank exchanges, both sides agreed to strengthen exchanges and cooperation through regular exchange of visits, jointly sponsoring seminars, and exchange of research achievements.


Also present at the meeting were CCCWS Scholar Mr. Yang Hongxi, Ms. Mou Hong, Mr. Gao Lianjia, Mr. Zheng Dongchao and Ms. Alexandra Shabtai from the Diane and Guilford Glazer Foundations.