On Oct.18th, in
CCCWS President Dr. Yu Hongjun meets with Dr. Florian Weis, Executive Director of RLS.
CCCWS delegation held discussions with RLS experts.
After making positive comments on the China-Germany and China-Europe relations, Dr. Yu briefed the German experts on the main activities of CCCWS since its inception. And he proceeded to express his appreciation of RLS’ cosponsoring seminars with CCCWS and CCCWS’ readiness to conduct institutionalized cooperation with RLS. On request, Dr. Yu made a briefing on the situation in Dr. Weis, for his part, made a briefing on RLS. As a political foundation with close relations with left-wing Parties, RLS is independent of party politics and the German Government, with its funds being provided primarily by the German Parliament. Recent years have seen the booming activities of RLS in such spheres as research, training and education. Committed to promoting At the meeting also present were: Mr. Liu Jinfeng, Council-Member of CCCWS; Mr. Yang Hongxi, Research Fellow of CCCWS; Mr. Yang Deli, Chinese Counselor to Germany; Mr. Gao Yang, Mr Zhao Minghao, Associate Research Fellows of CCCWS; Mr. Wilfried Telkamper, Director of Center for International Dialogue and Cooperation of RLS; and Dr. Erhard Crome, Senior Research Fellow of Peace and Security Policy of RLS.