CCCWS Held Symposium On Situation In Middle East And China-US Relations
From: | 11-09-2011| By:

On November 3, diplomats, experts and scholars from CCCWS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, National Defense University PLA China, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, and Beijing University held in-depth discussions together about “Prospects for the Middle East” and “US Presidential Elections and China-US Relations”. CCCWS Deputy Director-General Kong Genhong chaired the symposium.

About the prospects for the Middle East, the experts believed that the first stage for the turbulence in the Western Asia and Northern Africa had basically come to an end. Some countries would be facing the arduous task of political reconstruction with a long process. The power and strongman politics had been weakening, characterized by a faster development of the political party politics with local features, starting of the reform of social and political pluralism and, impairment of the influence and control of the outside powers.